AYLUS Bellaire branch mentored underrepresented students at Edward H. White Elementary on June 20-29

On the past two weeks, summer school students came back from a day off in remembrance of Juneteenth. Volunteers divided to provide special support for bilingual students. Some helped with creating assignments in STEM, while others taught the students how to type on laptops and introduced them to cloud software such as Microsoft 365 and Word. Meanwhile smaller tasks included running errands for teachers and walking kids to the office for further support. During a fire drill, volunteers maintained order in students and followed safety procedures while also considering the heat advisory. Finally, volunteers used lunch time to bond with their new friends ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade.

The volunteers tutored from 9:00am-3:00pm each day (6 hours each day).

The members that attended on 6/20 were: Angelina Hoang, Sandy Kong, Daniel Chan

The members that attended on 6/21 were: Nicholas Zhu, Sandy Kong

The members that attended on 6/22 were: Nicholas Zhu, Sandy Kong, Melanie Flannery, Audrey Li, Leo Wang, Daniel Chan

The member that attended on 6/26 was: Sandy Kong

The members that attended on 6/27 were: Sandy Kong, Angelina Hoang, Nicholas Zhou, Daniel Chan

The members that attended on 6/28 were: Sandy Kong, Daniel Chan

The members that attended on 6/29 were: Sandy Kong, Nicholas Zhou, Daniel Chan


Reported by Sandy Kong


Updated: June 29, 2023 — 9:33 pm

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