On June 18, 2023, members of AYLUS Bellaire branch volunteered for a second trash clean-up at Evelyn’s Park.
Evelyn’s park authorities asked AYLUS Bellaire to come to clean up the park often. So, AYLUS Bellaire decided that over the summer they will do a clean-up at Evelyn’s Park every week if possible. This clean-up event was the second time members came to clean up the park, the first time being last week on June 11, 2023.
From 5:30pm to 7:00pm, volunteers wore gloves and used trash bags to collect trash from areas including the fields, sidewalks, play area, and parking lot of Evelyn’s park. Trash that was collected often included plastic straw wrappers from the field, bottle caps from the edges of sidewalks, and pieces of balloons from in the bushes. Volunteers also found a few alcohol containers in the parking lot. Volunteers managed to cover the whole park including the parking lot, which they did not cover last time, and they collected around seven bags of trash, each bag of trash weighing between one to two pounds.
The following volunteers participated in this event (1.5 hours): Nicholas Zhou, Edward Cai, Yimeng (Jenny) Sun (1 hour), and Yuruo Shen.
Reported by Yuruo Shen