Reported by Jenny Wang
Rechargeable batteries, or those contained in electronic devices and power tools, should be recycled at certified battery electronics recyclers that accept batteries rather than being discarded in the trash or put in municipal recycling bins. We announced our used batteries recycling collection event on social medias. Some local residents asked if rechargeable batteries of power tools can be recycled. We called the Home Depot and confirmed that power tools’ rechargeable batteries can be recycled at the stores. On May 31st 2023, we were able to collect three medium sized power tools’ rechargeable batteries from local communities. Upon arrival at the Home Depot we made sure that the batteries were 100% not leaking and carefully wrapped each of them in a specific plastic bag to prevent future leaking. We will continue our used batteries recycling event in order to raise public awareness of environmental protection and advocate AYLUS’s spirit to local communities.
Jenny Wang 2 hours
Daniel Wang 2 hours