Written By Jonathan Fan
May 13th, the AYLUS Dix Hills Branch volunteered to work with the Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center. Volunteers were shown to the dining area, where they assisted the patients with removing garbage from the tables. Volunteers encouraged the patients into conversations and interaction with each other while clearing away trash. Volunteers along with staff members then directed the patients to the entertainment area, where they sang with the patients. Volunteers also motivated the patients into dancing with each other to karaoke. During the extent of the volunteering, volunteers consistently held conversations with the patients about their lives and families. With the questions being directed at them, the patients also became curious and started asking many questions regarding the volunteers’ lives.
Volunteers: Ru Xue Jiang (2 hours), Bryan Fan (1 hour and 30 minutes), Jonathan Fan (2 hours), Ming Chen (1 hour and 30 minutes).