AYLUS Bellaire Volunteers went to ED White Elementary school to tutor students on May 6, 2023

On May 6th, 2023, AYLUS Bellaire Volunteers went to the ED White Elementary School to tutor 3rd-5th-grade students.

ED White Elementary is located in a multicultural neighborhood. They have a long-term program that helps students from disadvantaged families with Math or Reading. AYLUS volunteers were assigned to specific students, usually in groups of 2 or 3, inspecting and correcting math problems, reading skills. The volunteers taught them how to find a faster way to solve math problems and other techniques. The students improved their skills by practicing solving problems and reviewing their mistakes for math. The volunteers taught students math such as long division, multiplication, and subtraction. The volunteers were there from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

The volunteers participating in this event are (3 hours): Raymond Han, Sandy Kong, and Lucas Wang.

Reported by Lucas Wang


Updated: May 6, 2023 — 10:29 pm

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