Dix Hills Branch works with the Saturday Stewards and JBENC Pollinator Garden on March 18, 2023

Written By: Ru Xue Jiang

The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch works with the Saturday Stewards and JBENC Pollinator Garden to allow newly planted species thrive in their environment on March 18, 2023. There were more than 44 volunteers here to help, resulting in 4 heaps of clippings from 10 acres of land being composted!

During the 1980s, the beach was very popular, taking up much of the space in the parking lot. Overtime, with fresh information relating to the dangers of UV light as well as skin cancer as well as generational change, the number of people attending dwindled. This has led a large portion of the parking lot to remain empty. The beach decided to convert 10 acres of concrete parking lot back into the environment, a rare case in which the environment is given room to thrive. 

However, because the plants haven’t had long to settle down with strong attachments to the soil through their roots, they need help to properly establish themselves. AYLUS Dix Hills, other AYLUS branches, and community members lent a helping hand to remove sections of the plants that have died or senescence of the plants to promote new growth by preventing shade or competition for sunlight, water, or air. Volunteers worked with Broomsedge Bluestem (Andropogon virginicus), Seaside Goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) and used pruning shears, hedge shears, and rakes. All of the clippings were put on a sustainable mat, unlike plastic bags, and transported to a composting site to reuse the materials.

AYLUS Dix Hills efforts allow the plants of the refurbished 10 acres plot to thrive and support conservation efforts that appeal to the environment. We hope to continue these efforts in the near future with more collaborations. 


Volunteers: Ru Xue Jiang (3 hours), Sara Kong (2 hours and 30 minutes), Jason Cheng (2 hours and 30 minutes), Ivan Wu (2 hours and 30 minutes), Christina Mink (2 hours and 30 minutes), Ming Chen (2 hours and 30 minutes), Jonny Chen (2 hours), Helen Chen (2 hours), Bill You (2 hours), and Brian Ou (1 hour and 30 minutes).

Updated: March 20, 2023 — 3:49 am

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