AYLUS Syosset Aids in Another Stewardship Saturday Event at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum, 12/17/22

Members of AYLUS Syosset participated in a Stewardship Saturday event alongside AYLUS Roslyn. This event started off with a guided tour of the Cutting Manor House, a manor built in the late 1800s for the Cutting family. The many lavishly decorated bedrooms, dining rooms, dressing rooms, etc, were toured with the help of our knowledgeable tour guide. During the tour, we learned about the upbringings, backgrounds and accomplishments of the family members who used to live in the house. We learned about old English-style architecture, stained glass and the kinds of technology used at the time. Afterwards everyone went to the fields behind the manor to aid in invasive plant removal. The night before, the tides rose very high, up to the benches, making the land very wet. The invasive species were garlic mustard and onion grass, two very prolific plants that are both highly destructive to the native ecosystems.

Members who participated include:

Alyssa Huang (3.5 h), Rachel Zhang (3 h), Haoyu Qiu, (3 h).

Updated: December 18, 2022 — 3:32 pm

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