The little libraries are well known and liked spots in the area. It gives members of the community easy access to unknown books. It furthermore helps underprivileged children to acquire books while being out with their families. In order to support these little libraries that are dependent on donations from the public, RCA members have regularly contributed to various ones in the area by hosting regular book drives. RCA will continue supporting these local spots by continuing to host these book drives.
Time: 1st location 1 hr; additional locations 0.5 hr per library
Kevin Bui (September 22nd; 1.5 hr)
Yuan (Ann) Yin (Murrieta Branch; September 25th; 2 hrs)
KaiXi (Cathy) Liu (Murrieta Branch; September 25th; 2 hrs)
Jessica Lu (Murrieta Branch; September 25th; 2 hrs)
Sophie Chung (September 25th, 1 hr)