AYLUS San Fernando Valley Helps in American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of 2022 on October 1st, 2022



On October 1st, 2022, the AYLUS San Fernando Valley branch volunteered in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of 2022.

The Relay For Life is one of the largest peer-to-peer fundraising events in the world where people in the community walk to raise both awareness and funds for cancer research.

Members Aaron Hekmatjah, Oren Hekmatjah, Nicolas Storch, Jason Xie, Subhash Srinivasa, and Vaibhav Sridhar spread out into different roles and volunteered throughout  the two and a half hour shift from 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. These roles included maintaining trash cans and water buckets around the track, helping out at different booths, and setting up and serving lunch to the relay participants.

All members assisted in selling lunch to the public, which consisted of a chicken sandwich, a bag of chips, and a drink. All-in-all, we sold more than 45 lunches to the public. Great job everyone!


  • Jason Xie: (2.5 hours)
  • Aaron Hekmatjah: (2.5 hours)
  • Oren Hekmatjah: (2.5 hours)
  • Vaibhav Sridhar: (2.5 hours)
  • Subhash Srinivasa: (2.5 hours)
  • Nicolas Storch: (2.5 hours)


Updated: October 2, 2022 — 12:15 am

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