AYLUS Syosset Aids in Securing a Healthy Harvest at the Long Island Native Plant Initiative, #13 (8/27/22)

On 8/27/22, members of AYLUS Syosset went to the Brentwood LINPI (Long Island Native Plants Initiative) Greenhouse to pot native plants such as hollow joe-pye weed (trumpetweed), Verbena hastata (blue vervain) and purple love grass. Some of the plants had dried leaves and showed wilting behavior, while most were in pristine condition. It is important to remember to not rip apart the complex root systems of each sprout when separating them into their own pots.

Joe-pye weed is important for attracting pollinators and has a history in native American traditional medicine. It is commonly used as a diuretic and is drunk as tea. It can also be used to treat colds, fevers, chills, sore womb after childbirth and kidney and liver illnesses. Blue vervain is used as a nervine to soothe nerve and mood swings, improved breast milk production, helps with headaches, supports detoxification and digestion. Purple love grass attracts pollinators and butterflies and aids in erosion control.

Members who participated include:

Alyssa Huang (4.5 hours), Tommy Tang (3 hours) and Haoyu Qiu (3 hours).

Updated: September 5, 2022 — 1:10 am

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