AYLUS Welcomes the 109th Branch – Santa Clara County, CA on June 12th, 2022

On June 12th, 2022, three students in Santa Clara County, CA founded the one hundred ninth (109th) branch of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS): Santa Clara County, CA

Congratulations to (from left) Chloe Lou, Ryan Rulkens, and Aline Phan of the Santa Clara County Branch! Great job!


Description of the Santa Clara County Branch

The global pandemic hit us hard. As teenagers, we watched the world we knew collapse around us: people went into lock-down; racism raged on; hatred plagued the world—as teenagers, we were scared. Although we now step out of lock-down and return to “normality,” nothing quite feels like the same anymore. There is an uneasy frenzy still floating aimlessly in the air. In starting this new branch, we hope to help bring back our sense of community and to help the people around us step back into a better world. To achieve this, we plan to create a branch that centralizes on rebuilding our community; we hope to create care packages for senior homes; to clean up the environment through picking up trash and more; to start various types of drives (food, book, clothing, etc.); and more. We want to welcome our community back, to help the people around us bounce back from the pandemic. With small steps, we can slowly make changes—changes to rebuild our community.


Branch Leadership

Position Name Email
President Chloe Lou chloerrrs@gmail.com
Vice President Ryan Rulkens ryanrulkens@gmail.com
Secretary Aline Phan aline.phan@gmail.com
Adviser Vernon Lou klou28@gmail.com


Updated: June 13, 2022 — 12:31 am

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