AYLUS San Fernando Valley Branch Helps Rock of the Valley Food Bank Sort Food Into Boxes For Distribution on April 12th, 2022


“AYLUS San Fernando Valley Branch Helps Rock of the Valley Food Bank Sort Food Into Boxes For Distribution”

On April 12th, 2022, the AYLUS branch of San Fernando Valley volunteered for two and a half hours, from 10:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m, distributing vegetables, fruit, and other food items into boxes to be given to those in need and to help the community. Members of the branch Aaron Hekmatjah and Jason Xie maintained safety while helping the food bank in a coordinated effort. Our team planned and organized this event through several meetings over social media to perfect our opportunity – and scheduled a perfect date and time with the Food Bank manager, Leslie.

Overall, the Branch filled about 150 boxes with food! Great job everyone!


Jason Xie: (2.5 hours)

Aaron Hekmatjah: (2.5 hours)

Updated: April 14, 2022 — 1:15 am

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