Greater Princeton AYLUS Hosts Mind Matters Workshop for Student Wellbeing on April 13th, 2022

On April 13th, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) invited Mental Health mentor, Ms. Elizabeth Huang, to host a lively discussion on supporting student wellbeing. 

Ms Elizabeth Huang is a practitioner, student mentor in Mental Health. She has a BA in health and human services in community mental health, and a MS in rehabilitation counseling. Her current focus is helping students to cope with the impact of the pandemic including stress reduction and social interaction.

Join us at 7:00 pm eastern time using Zoom ID: 950 486 7889, Password: 1234

GPA volunteers: Yan Fischer (4/2, 3 hrs; 4/3, 3 hrs; 4/9, 3 hrs; 4/10, 3 hr; 4/12, 3 hrs; 4/13, 3 hrs), Mingyi Xu (4/12, 2 hrs; 4/13, 2 hrs), Cassie Tammy Wang, and more.

Updated: May 1, 2022 — 1:23 am

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