For the past four weeks in September, Alan Cheng and Lucas Zhang coach Tennis. we have been warming up with stretches and running. They proceed to hit groundstrokes off of the feed for a few minutes, then transition to a drill where we throw 4 balls alternating to the forehand and backhand. After a few rounds of that, we split them into teams and let them play points in the short court against each other for the remainder of the lesson.
September 5th:
Volunteers, Alan Cheng, Lucas Zhang(1.5hrs)
Participants of members: Eric Chen, Joshua Dong, Tim Zhu, Rachel Yan, Joseph Zhao
September 12th:
Volunteers, Alan Cheng, Lucas Zhang(1.5hrs)
Participants of members: Tim Zhu, Rachel Yan, Joseph Zhao, Hanna Yu
September 19th:
Volunteers, Alan Cheng, Lucas Zhang(1.5hrs)
Participants of members: Eric Chen, Joshua Dong, Tim Zhu, Rachel Yan, Joseph Zhao, Hanna Yu
September 26th:
Volunteers, Alan Cheng, Lucas Zhang(1.5hrs)
Participants of members: Joshua Dong, Tim Zhu,, Joseph Zhao, Hanna Yu