September 15th, the Sugar land Branch continued the stay fit at home exercise sessions. The instructors began with a stretch and warm up. The first set was an assortment of exercises that touched on leg and ab workouts. The exercises included jump squats, push ups, squats, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, jumping jacks, crunches, and a plank hold followed with two minutes of rest. This set was repeated twice. The rest of the session focused on leg workouts featuring high knees, squats, front lunges, and adjusted intensity with the aid of weights. The set was repeated. The last component of the session was a choice made by interacting with the participants between sumo squat or a plank for the duration of one minute. Instructors led a cool down. Participating AYLUS members were Jialu and Amy Liu. The session lasted 30 minutes.
Reported by Amy Liu