Starting July 2021, the Greater Princeton branch of AYLUS (GPA) members went to another humanitarian care facility, the Rise Food Pantry (133 Broad St., Hightstown, NJ 08520, 609-443-4464), to help distribute, organize donated food items, or serve on duty at Rise Thrift Store.
GPA honors the equality of all people and strives for a just, prosperous, and peaceful society for all. We respond to the needs of the community to build alliances that will have the most meaningful impact in addressing issues of poverty.
GPA members create a range of integrated services that build community, nurture self-worth and independence, and offer resources for children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and its lasting effects.
Participants: Amy Zheng (Thrift Store, 7/31, 1.5 hrs), Zheng Dan (7/31, 1.5 hrs), Chloe Tan (7/31, 3 hrs).