On July 16, the Sugar Land Branch began the summer Stay Fit At Home Exercise Sessions. Stay Fit At Home instructors welcomed new and returning participants, as well as introducing a new Stay Fit At Home instructor: Amy! Instructors began with a warmup of shoulder, neck, and ankle rolls; leg stretches; and arm circles. Next, instructors kicked off the first set with cardio exercises: 30 seconds each of in place jogging, jumping jacks, and butt kicks. Following, instructors led participants through an ab set consisting of sit up rotation, bicycles, russian twist , penguin crunches, and plank rotations, 45 seconds each. After a break, the set was repeated. The session ended with a leg set that consisted of leg raise variations. The session lasted for 30 minutes. AYLUS participants were Amy Liu, Isabella Wu, and Nicole Wu.
Reported by Nicole Wu.