Phoenix AYLUS Propose and Prepare for National AYLUS Conference

Phoenix Aylus President Katherine Wei propose national AYLUS Conference Proposal as below, Katherine Wei and Ethan Wei already started to contact with the key invited speakers, detailed out the plan how to prepare and make it successful step by step.

Katherine Wei: overall proposal and Plan (3 hours),  invitation and contact with several key speakers (3 hours), Social medias and the flyers drafts (3 hours)

Ethan Wei: Contact and invite Facebook Computer science and Data analysis experts; Intel and Lyft Reliability experts (3 hours).


National AYLUS Conference Proposal
The first national AYLUS conference aims to excite and engage youth leaders with innovative
skills and new understandings for their future, connecting their own interests with new ones.
We will be holding multiple sessions, with the first day consisting of professionals with diverse
backgrounds from varying fields talking about their career and the second day consisting of
high school and undergraduate students speaking on their expertise in certain areas.
What: Free, virtual conference open to the public
When: Saturday, July 17th and Sunday, July 18th from 1-4:30 PM PT
Who: Organized by AYLUS national board team
Why: To educate, empower, and engage
Where: Zoom
Tentative Schedule (may change based on speakers’ availability)
Saturday, July 17th from 1-4:30 PM PT
● Opening Ceremony 1-1:10pm
○ Welcome attendees, brief overview of the conference
● Finance/Business 1:15-2:00pm
○ CEOs, financial analysts/consultants, etc.
● Medicine/Dental 2:05-2:50pm
○ Doctors, orthodontists, physicians, etc.
● Law/Politics 2:55-3:40pm
○ Lawyers, politicians, judges, attorneys, etc.
● CS/Data Science/Engineering 3:45-4:25pm
○ Computer scientists, developers, technicians, etc.
Sunday, July 18th from 1-4:30pm PT
● Landing Internships / Networking / Resumes/ Personal Branding 1-1:45pm
○ Students working/interning at large companies share their story
● Conducting Scientific Research in a Lab 1:50-2:35pm
○ ISEF finalists and winners discuss their experience and tips
● Starting and Running a Business/Non-Profit 2:40-3:25pm
○ Youth founders/executives at prominent 501c3 student-run organizations
● College Admissions Panel 3:30pm-4:15pm
○ Class of 2021 matriculating at top 20 colleges sharing their tips and journey
● Closing Ceremony 4:20-4:30pm
○ Thank speakers and attendees, will announce winners of raffle for prizes later
● Aiming for about 3-6 panelists each session
● 45 minutes for each session: 30 minutes speaking, 15 minutes Q&A
● Not required to attend each session, not required to stay for the whole conference
● If you attend at least one session and fill out the end of the conference survey , you are
eligible for prizes (free swag, stickers, sponsored items)
Rough Planning Schedule
June 13-19: invite speakers
June 20-26: finalize schedule and send out flyers, promote registrations
June 27-July 3: finalize prizes and continue promotion
July 4-July 10: continue promoting registration
July 11-17: promote registrations
Tentative Tasks Delegation
● Samuel Li and Anthony Yang (Career Development committee) and James Shi focus on
finding and finalizing speakers list for day 1 (professionals and careers)
○ Ryan Dong from Phoenix Branch could help with Medical Field
○ ECD for finalized speakers list: June 26
● Katherine Wei and Alissa Wu and Albon Wu focus on finding and finalizing speakers list
for day 2 (high school and undergrad students)
○ ECD for finalized speakers list: June 26
● Mia Chen (Art committee) can digitally design stickers and flyers
○ ECD for stickers and other swag designs: June 26
○ ECD for flyers: June 28 or as soon as speakers lists are finalized
● Matthew Yang (CPO) and Erica Shen (secretary) can work on securing sponsorships and
funding/donation, draft a sponsorship prospectus that can be easily sent to companies
○ Aim for at least 3 sponsors and 8 prizes
○ ECD: June 26
● Sean Yan (Community Outreach committee) can work on distribution of flyers and ads
○ Begin sending out flyers as soon as Art Committee has finished designing them
and they are approved and finalized
○ Aim for at least 1500 registrations by July 7
● Other committee chairs can help in finding relevant speakers from their own
connections and helping to promote the conference to increase registrations

Updated: June 21, 2021 — 8:07 pm

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