Riverside County AYLUS Starts a Mental Health Series on June 16th, 2021 (14)

This pandemic has caused mental health struggles for so many people. The grief of losing a loved one or the fact of not being able to meet up with family and friends has caused a toll on the well-being of members of our community. In order to address this and bring more laughter and cheer to our neighborhoods, RCA members decided to get together and create a mental health series.

RCA members purchased rocks and sourced some also from their own backyards. Then the members got together to paint them while also drawing some encouraging words and messages on them. After that, they distributed the rocks visibly within the neighborhood for people to see.

This project did not only help the communities, it helped the members cope with their own internal struggles as well. The fact of painting together had a therapeutic effect on the members too. 

RCA will continue to get together on a regular basis to spread more awareness of these mental health struggles and turn this into something positive for the community.

06/16/21  Alexander Nguyen (2 hrs), Matthew Nguyen (2 hrs), Jacob Navarro (2 hrs), Sophie Chung (2 hrs) (6-8PM)

06/17/21 Kayla Paulsen (1 hr), and Alyssa Paulsen (1 hr) (6:30PM-7:30PM)























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