Have old academic resources to donate? Help us make an AYLUS Textbooks Library for New Jersey students!
Our APs, SATs, and school finals are rapidly approaching, and we are all surely working hard to study all the course syllabus material! However, there may be families who can’t afford textbooks and cram books, or have other difficulties getting them. To help students reach their full academic potential without being hindered by a lack of resources, let’s all donate our old study books! By collecting these, we can create an AYLUS Textbook Library where students in New Jersey can easily borrow the resources they need, making their lives less stressful and better!
We encourage GPA members to donate anything from an 8th grade textbook to an AP Chemistry Barron’s book, as long as it’s gently used and still relevant. The donation is open to all members all the time.
Recently, GPA Textbook Library received ~20 books from Amy Xu (5/21, 6 hrs).