AYLUS Manhasset will continue to host English meetings for learners in China to improve their vocabulary and emotional well-being. Staying at home during a pandemic has its limitations, and we continue to alleviate some of those by introducing Chinese students to a wide variety of English vocabulary. Staying indoors can have negative effects on a person’s moral well-bieng, and we hope that our program can bring joy and happiness, as well as satisfaction to those who are learning. During the course of this month, we have taught two lessons at the time of this publication, and are planning more in order to enrich the lives of others. over the months, we have seen our students improve in regards to pronunciation and word usage, and wish that they will continue to grow!
Our lessons last for an hour and meetings after are each half an hour to an hour.
Gavin Cao (6 hours total), Loretta Liu (6 hours total), Benjamin Yang (6 hours total), Matthew Yang (6 hours total), Brandon Zhu (1 hour).