Irvine Branch Partners With The NYC Branch to Host 6th English/Writing Tutoring Sessions on December 21, 2020

On December 19 and 20, 2020, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine Branch teamed up with AYLUS New York City to initiate another tutoring session with students from all over the United States. They primarily focused on English and Writing homework help. Clayland and Annie Lee from the Irvine branch meticulously helped the kids every step of the way.

Clayland: We learned about how to catch grammatical errors in a paragraph such as wrong word choice or verb form, and we learned how to fix the error. We did a couple of activities working on this.

Annie: Continuing to learn unit 2 content, we studied the creation of sentences and the usage of proper grammar and punctuation. We also practiced correcting or improving sample sentences, and then the students exercised their creative outlets by writing their own sentences for given situations.
Volunteers: Clayland Lee (1 hr), Annie Lee (1 hr)

Updated: December 21, 2020 — 11:31 pm

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