More AYLUS Phoenix members participate food and cloth donations to support our Holiday drive and Holiday cloth drive. We wish the people with our help can have a warm and wonderful holiday even under this very tough COVID-19 environment.
The volunteers are:
Katherine Shi: (4 hours) for food purchase and donation at Scottsdale foodbank (12cans of soup, 12 cans of fruits and vegetables, 1 box of cereal, 2 boxes of crackers, 4 boxes of spaghetti)
Ryan Dong: (3 hours) for about $50 food donation.
Carol Chen: (3 hours) for one box of food donation
Catherine Di (2 hours) for food donation
Wenting Chen: (1.5hours) for about $25 food donation.
Yongfeng Chen (1.5 hours) for about $25 food donation.
Wenting Chen: 2hours for closet cleanup and cloth donation
Yongfeng Chen: 2 hours for closet cleanup and cloth donation.
Katherine Shi: 4 hours for closet cleanup and cloth donation.