East Cobb Branch Hold Senior English Tutoring in October, 2020

On 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25  Brian Kuang from the East Cobb Branch participated in the Senior English Tutoring Program and tutored for 4 hours (1 hour each session).

This program’s goal is to provide English guidance to the elderly who do not know much English. Volunteers are needed for 1 on 1 tutoring sessions. By helping these elderly improve their English, the goal is to make communication smoother and life easier for them.

The tutoring sessions were done over Zoom. During the sessions, there weren’t any issues encountered. I taught by helping the elder read through example daily conversations, as well as review 100 practice questions for the American citizenship test. Since there are so many questions to prepare, it is really challenge for a senior to remember so many questions. I am thinking how to help her prepare more efficiently.

Her passion for learning English inspires me. I am also glad that I can help her.

Reported by Brian Kuang

Attendance: Brian Kuang (4 hours), Emily Sun (3 hours), Terrence Xia (2 hours), Jonathan Bao (4 hours)



Updated: November 6, 2020 — 10:35 pm

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