On August 26, 2020, student members of the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA), Kevin Song and Karen Yang, teamed up and taught kids from West Windsor in the subjects of math. The 1.5-hour class offered by GPA members Karen Yang and Kevin Song teach Pre-Algebra class to 6 kids: Kathy, Victor, Claire, Meisu, Claire, and Mia.
This week we continued to learn our Pre Algebra content- however, we continued with geometry! We first checked homework from last class and answered questions the kids may have had by calling on students. We then began class by having a math competition to review the knowledge of angles and such with diagrams and hard problems. Students had to buzz in and answer in a private chat to Kevin and compete for the most points, which they got if they answered it correctly; there was a prize at the end! Then, we assigned homework for the next class.