On 8/23/2020, six members of the Syosset AYLUS (Alan Huang, Jasmine Chen, Leo Cheng, John Trach, Emily Lin and Ryan Leung) team-taught an one-hour and thirty minute class on the subject of English to newly immigrated High School students with varying degrees of proficiency in English.
Today, we started our English course content which consisted of 3 parts: reading, writing, and speaking. Emily Lin joined today’s teaching of reading as a new tutor. Also, because most student’s weren’t habitually checking Google Classroom, 3 out of 6 students came to the class while more students planned to come on Monday-tomorrow. Therefore, we decided to put more emphasis on Google Classroom so that the students can stay informed and kept up to date. Lastly, if students still have trouble with the content taught, they could now contact the tutors during their available times to help students out of class.
First, Alan separated the tutors and the students into three groups, under the themes of “Reading English with Confidence” led by Leo and Emily, “Writing English with Confidence” led by Jasmine and John, and “Speaking English with Confidence” led by Alan and Ryan.
Leo Cheng and Emily Lin taught the reading portion of AYLUS Syosset’s second ESL tutoring class. In this class, we presented a SAT reading passage with questions on Google Slides. The students were then required to read the passage and complete the questions. The main purpose of this class was to better understand the students’ reading and comprehension levels. We read over the passage together and went over vocabulary that may be troubling for them. The questions were explained slowly, to ensure the students understood the vocabulary and meaning completely. The class was taught in English, but activity instructions were provided in both English and Chinese to avoid confusion and foster a more comfortable environment for the students to work in.
Ryan Leung and Alan Huang went over pronunciations of irregular words(irregular words are words that aren’t pronounced as they are sounded out, for example, the words ratio, share and machine are all pronounced differently than how they are usually sounded out) Also, they went over how certain words have certain letters in the word that aren’t pronounced as they look. For example, in the word “situation” the “tu” isn’t pronounced as tu it’s more pronounced as “chu”). Lastly, they helped with improvisational speech by making the kids speak about any topic for 30 seconds without stopping.
Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the writing portion of AYLUS Syosset’s second online ESL Tutoring class. In this second class, furthering each students’ personal writing skills was prioritized. The tutors developed a lesson plan designed to inform their students on writing personal statements, much like those required in college applications. In this particular lesson, the tutors went over what should and what should not be included in such personal applications, along with displaying a few real-world examples for reference. The students were assigned homework to be done over the next week, where they would attempt to write their own personal statement piece, which is to be later checked by the tutors. The class was instructed in English in an attempt to immerse the students in an English environment.
The following students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: Alan Huang (1.5 hours), Jasmine Chen (1.5 hours), John Trach (1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Emily Lin(1.5 hours) and Ryan Leung (1.5 hours).