New York Branch Cleans Blue Mountain Reservation

On Friday, July 10th, 2020, the New York Branch helped clean Blue Mountain Reservation from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We removed glass bottles, cans, and plastic refuse from picnic benches, trails, and parking lots. In total, the AYLUS New York Branch removed 51.75 lbs of garbage.

Members split up and collected garbage on 2 trails to better maintain social distance and wore masks to stay safe. Members that participated were Jason Xia, Timothy Wang, Alice Wang, Brian Liang, Fiona Chen, Andy Liang, Max Wang, Sean Wang, Larry Tao, Christine Tao, Melissa Wang, Jasmine Zhang, Ryan Jiang, Le Wang, Jasmine Wang, and Andrew Jiang.


Updated: July 11, 2020 — 12:08 am

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