Phoenix Branch Cleans Up Veterans’ Oasis Park for its Adopt-A-Park Initiative on June 13, 2020

On June 13, 2020, from 8 to 10 AM (2 hours), the members of the Phoenix Branch participated in a cleanup project at Veterans Oasis Park in Chandler, AZ, as a part of its participation in the Adopt-A-Park program. During the event, AYLUS-Phoenix members removed trash and litter from the park and also worked to trim overgrowth of vegetation that was blocking paths. By doing this, the branch was able to serve its community because it improved the environment for others to enjoy and also removed a possible danger from the park. While volunteering, all members present were required to wear face masks and gloves, which served as safety measures against the spread of COVID-19. In addition, instead of operating as one large group, the volunteers from the Phoenix Branch split up into several groups of less than ten to comply with recommended regulations on social distancing, which was also helpful to doing more as a whole during the event because the multiple groups were able to cover a larger portion of the park than one large group could have. This event was also important because it showed the Phoenix Branch’s continued dedication to serving their community even during the COVID-19 pandemic as they are working to adapt past events to current conditions by adding safety and health precautions. AYLUS-Phoenix members are enthusiastic to continue participating in events to serve their community, and they hope to organize many more in the upcoming weeks! 

The members that participated in this event were the following: Michael Chen, Amy Xie, Kerry Zhuo, Katherine Wei, Ethan Wei, Amanda Xu, Annie Fitzgerald, Eddie Zhang, Jack Xie, Michelle Yu, Carrie Chen, Steven Zeng, Marina Hu, Harold Wang, Michelle Lee, Catherine Di, Charles Zhang, Andrew Yang, and Grace Yang as youth members and Yunfeng Zhuo, Xiaoqiong Liu, Wenjie Yin, Weiwen Zhang, Yonglian Wang, Li Li, Jiehua Zhang, Yueli Liu, and Dong Wei as adult members.


Updated: June 15, 2020 — 5:44 am

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