Mrs. Yan and Christie begin project on Cronk’s Rocky Woodland

On Friday July 15, Mrs. Yan and Christie discussed plans with Mrs. Judith Boland about the management of Cronk’s Rocky Woodland. This garden, owned by Wellesley College alumna Violet Cronk in the 1930’s, was created to preserve the natural, native beauty of Wellesley flora. Later in her life, Violet Cronk’s house burned down, and after she died, she donated this woodland to the Wellesley Conservation Council. Today, this piece of land exhibits many native plants, including wild ginger and wild geraniums, as well as a huge oak tree. Mrs. Yan, Christie, and Mrs. Boland plan to further investigate and research each plant, to create labels and brochures that can enlighten visitors on the botanical specifics of the garden. Their hope is that this will allow students and visitors to learn more about the garden, and preserve the wishes of Violet Cronk.


Updated: July 15, 2016 — 5:12 pm

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