2015 AYLUS Parents’ Appreciation Event
The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better to show our appreciation for our parents. There aren’t enough ways for us to thank them for everything they do for us, whether it be making us food or driving us everywhere. But this Holiday season, take a moment to give thanks to our loving and wonderful families!
Join AYLUS in our Parents’ Appreciation Event! Show your gratitude for your parents by cooking them a meal, decorating the house, shoveling snow, or any other way you can think of! Post a picture or story of yourself doing to earn Aylus honor points!
Each submit will receive one honor point. The featured story or picture will receive two honor points.(picture above: the Thanksgiving meals prepared by Christie Yu for her family
below: the roasted turkeys prepared by Jessica Fan and Alexander Wang for their families )

High School Contact: Sophie Wen at sophiewen1999@gmail.com
Elementary-Middle School Contact: Julia He at crystalmoon1324happy@gmail.com
Julia HeA Junior founder of AYLUS prepared wonderful Thanksgiving meals for her family. Please take a few minutes to enjoy the video she prepared for us.Julia is current a 8th grader, she has contributed the very first event video for AYLUS. Her sweet voice for all AYLUS videos has left all members great memory. Now she is taking the leading roll again. |