AYLUS Roslyn helps out at a School of CCA of Long island (52) on June 2nd, 2024

On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, from 1:30 to 5:00 PM AYLUS Branch Roslyn volunteered at Great Neck South High School to help the Chinese teachers of Chinese Cultural Association of Long Island.

Today was the second to last day of Chinese School. We were the Teacher Assistants helping the teachers with whatever they may need. The TAs helped the teachers briefly teach the kids but because the school year was closing we needed to take the yearbook pictures. All the teachers and TAs corralled the children into the courtyard where we took the pictures. After playing around in the courtyard, the whole school took a group picture and we carefully grouped back together and returned to our classrooms. The TAs helped the teachers by accompanying the kids and making them participate in group activities. After we finished learning for the day, we started our end of the year party. All the children had brought in food and drinks for the party. We set up desks and started the party. The TAs were responsible to make sure that the children didn’t fool around and do things like contaminate the food or waste the food. As the party went on many parents joined us, they stated they appreciation for both the Teachers and the TAs. After everyone ate their fill we cleaned up and prepared to leave. Today there was no culture class so we all stay in our original classrooms. 

It was interesting to see all the new material we learned this year and the fact that we got to accompany these kinds from the start to the end was very rewarding. 

Members who participated include:

Hunter Chen (3.5 hours), Simon Long (3.5 hours), Jasmine Wang (3.5 hours), Tiffany Lin (3.5 hours),  Mingyao Xu (2.5 hours), Angeline Li (3.5 hours)

Reporter: Hunter Chen

Updated: June 3, 2024 — 3:07 am

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