AYLUS Syosset Volunteers at the Planting Fields Arboretum (8/17/24)

On 8/17/24, members of AYLUS Syosset worked with members of AYLUS Great Neck at the Planting Fields Arboretum to remove the invasive ivy known as English Ivy and plant new flowering shrubs. Since most of the English Ivy had been cleared last time, there were space for these shrubs. Members from AYLUS Syosset and AYLUS Great Neck split into two groups: one to clear the remaining ivy and one to plant the new shrubs. The group removing the ivy pulled the roots by hand manually or used tools such as rakes to dispose of the ivy. Removing the English Ivy was important as it allowed the Arboretum to grow more trees and shrubs without having to resort to using herbicides to clear out the ivy, and the ivy would also grow on trees, weakening them and competing with them for natural resources. The group planting the shrubs first dug holes with shovels, keeping in mind not to harm any roots of other trees; then they planted different species of Camellia, such as Winter’s Snowman Camellia and October Magic Camellia.

Members that participated include (All 2.5 hours): Anson Ye, Vincent Ye, Lucas Fu, Kayla Fu, Bryan Wan, Brayden Wan, Darren Gao, Wangyang Ji, Michael Qiao, and Tyler Zhu.

Updated: August 18, 2024 — 3:24 pm

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