Essay Contest: “Yes, I can help.” — Hao Chen

yaoHao Chen (9th grade)

Yes, I can help!

10 December, 2015

Thanks to Anna Marie Jarvis, Mother’s Day has become an official holiday in the US. Actually, people in many ancient cultures celebrated holidays honoring motherhood, personified as a goddess such as Rhea. I want to say “Thank You” to my mother, and Yes, I can help you now.

I don’t get along with friends so well but whenever I got in trouble my mother always say: “You’re having trouble making friends. It’s easy to change the situation if you listen to me, son.” She taught me that I need to talk to my friends more and let them get to know me. There’s no need to be shy and just act myself, kindly or funny. Join more activities and participate well in there, letting me know that teamwork is the best place to build up friendship and brotherhood.

I think there’s a special meaning to the word MOTHER. M is for the million things she gave me and taught me; O, she’s getting older everyday I’m growing up; T means the tears she shed for me; H is for her heart of purity; E is her eyes with love-light shining; R means right there she’ll always be with me.

Mom, I can help you now even though you always say you don’t need my help. I’m not the kid anymore. I don’t just know playing games only. Let me help you, my dear mother.

Updated: December 12, 2015 — 2:10 am

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